The Power of Wise Choices

In a world in trouble…

Connect with your soul guidance and inner wisdom 

Step out of your comfort zone 

 Create the best conditions to nurture  your fulfilment, well-being and creative contribution

Make wise, life affirming choices every day

And set out confidently on your next soul story adventure…

The stresses in our world press on all of us. You find ways to creatively adapt and keep going. But, especially when you are a sensitive, compassionate being, there may be background grief or anxiety running through you which you don’t settle long enough to really feel. Instead you employ tried and tested comfort zone habits to take the edge off your anxiety and keep you feeling safe. Trouble is, these also limit your experience and rob you of the fulfilment and wholeness-of-being you know is possible. Perhaps you’ve experienced more expansive states of consciousness only to have the door close on them again. You’re longing for a more creative life so that you can make a contribution that truly expresses all of who you are.

Wherever you are in your transition to a higher stage of consciousness there are times when life is challenging. Even though you may have a lifetime of skills, tools and wisdom, nothing seems to work at these times. Perhaps you’ve reached a place where you can’t move forward any further in the direction you’ve been going. You know there’s something more for you to be and do but you can’t summon up whatever it takes to move confidently towards your vision. You feel life is passing you by and you’re bored with yourself and critical of others.

Maybe those closest to you aren’t providing the support and encouragement you need to rekindle belief in yourself and get you over the threshold to your next new soul adventure?  Or relationships which may have been working for years suddenly feel all wrong? Perhaps your health is suffering?  Deep down, you feel lonely, isolated and worried.

Or perhaps you are working purposefully in a creative or community project that has great meaning for you but you are still confronted every day by your very human limitations. Old self defeating patterns and doubts inevitably arise. Working to create a new culture and a new world is a huge commitment and daily challenge. Nobody has ever done it before in today’s circumstances.

What I’m describing are normal aspects of the process of transition to a new and more expansive consciousness. I have experienced all these feelings many times and through writing my book, Whole Mind-Whole World, I’ve identified a simple pathway that will lead you from where you are now to where you long to be. None of us can do this alone. It’s so much easier to stay centred in your heart and in the creative flow – when you have the right kind of support.

Is your comfort zone holding you back?

Time to develop more awareness

Do you sometimes feel frustrated, unfulfilled, isolated, hopeless,           

despairing, depressed, confused, disempowered,

resentful, unappreciated, envious, scared, lost and victimised by life?




It’s quite natural when you are anxious, unsure or afraid to revert back to tried and tested methods of taking care of yourself. Often these are old patterns you created earlier in life when you found yourself in difficult situations in which you had no control.  These old survival patterns include limiting beliefs and may conceal old trauma or unhealed aspects of the self. Because they have become so much a part of you it’s very difficult for you to see these unhelpful aspects and so they stay in the shadow and remain unconscious. However when it’s time for a leap forward, these old patterns can really mess things up and get in the way. They need to be seen and integrated so that you can be free to move forward in new ways. This doesn’t have to be a long therapeutic process, we can all move forward so much more easily together when we create the right conditions.

Let me give you one very common example of a comfort zone which is actually neither comfortable or helpful:

You go into overdrive

You’re highly creative and have loads of great ideas but you find it difficult to start  or, once started, to achieve the traction that can lead to successful completion of your projects. You feel like a hamster in a wheel, always busy, going somewhere but never arriving. You have a to-do list as long as your arm but you never take time for you and your own regeneration. Your phone is constantly calling you, you’re driven and distracted and the more urgent everything appears to be the faster you run. You push yourself and you probably push others too.

Even when the world seems to be spinning out of control and everything appears scary and urgent, the essential wisdom you need cannot be arrived at through busyness, panic, pushing and striving. These are all part of an old way of doing things and only add to your problems rather than solving them.

Need a bigger space to expand into?

Pay attention to your dissatisfaction and longing.

The transition process is very much like a plant that needs repotting. Your roots are cramped into too small a space so you can’t draw the sustenance you need from the earth. From such a tight space it’s inevitable your leaves will wilt and your flowers and fruits will struggle for life.

Imagine the relief of being transferred to a bigger pot, where you can breathe and stretch and grow into the beauty that’s written in your soul’s DNA. When you’ve reached the limits of one stage of psycho-spiritual growth it’s time to transition to a new stage. A more expanded stage of consciousness and being lies waiting.



But taking the risk of finding greater freedom can be scary. Think of how the hermit crab outgrows its shell and scuttles across the sand in search of its new home. In that transition from the old safety to a new and bigger self, its tender being is exposed and vulnerable. When your old shell no longer fits – when your sense of self has grown too cramped – you may avoid that raw, vulnerable place by clinging to the safety of your familiar comfort zone. Trouble is, it is often in that raw vulnerability that the new growth you long for is waiting and the longer you try and stay safe by clinging to your old ways that no longer work, the more pain you will experience.



 Growth is a natural, organic process. Yet when we don’t fully understand how transformation happens, it can feel quite catastrophic at times. We all know the story of the caterpillar who turns into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly. The butterfly already exists within the imaginal cells of the caterpillar but the familiar identity and form of the caterpillar has to dissolve so that the butterfly may fly free. When the parts of your life that have given you meaning, purpose, direction, identity and structure, start to fall away, you may feel alarmed and abandoned.

Are you ready to expand into your next level of wholeness?

Listen to and follow your inner wisdom.

There’s no doubt about it, following your soul’s calling, stepping out of your comfort zone, allowing yourself to expand into your wholeness – these transitions need your co-operation. But if plants and sea creatures and butterflies can do it so can you!  You too have survival instincts and evolutionary drivers. These tend to speak to you through the body, the heart, the imagination, in-tuition or inner guidance. They frequently speak using the language of dissatisfaction and longing. Awakening to your soul’s calling is an ongoing process of learning how to listen to and follow your inner wisdom and express your authentic voice.

Why is this important?

Find your motivation

Firstly, it’s important for your well-being. I have watched too many friends sicken and even die because they have not been able to make the necessary shifts in consciousness that would allow them to take time for their own creativity and healthy self-nurturing. The opportunity to follow the next expansion of your soul’s calling doesn’t come around every day. There are special times when the door opens.  This requires that you take time for you – time to turn inwards. When you say no and deprive yourself of this opportunity, your being contracts, your mind becomes dull and trapped in limiting thoughts, and your life force may even turn against you.

Your choices impact all your relationships.  Even when you don’t express the pain of being discontented out loud that is what you are broadcasting into the environment. Unexpressed creative energy can be toxic, not just for you but for everyone with whom you’re connected. Imagine the different vibe you’ll put out when you’re aligned with your soul’s calling and moving forward freely and confidently!

By taking time to nurture yourself you can make your best contribution to our troubled and chaotic world. Even in a dysfunctional and disordered world such as ours is right now, it is possible to live in a stable state of wholeness within the self. This is one real and significant way we can take leadership and contribute to positive forward movement, not only for ourselves, but for everyone!

A Simple New Solution:

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Into Your Inner Sanctuary

I promised you a simple pathway to take you from the dissatisfaction of your comfort zone to a new, higher, more expansive, more creative mindset and consciousness, where you will feel:

Whole,  flowing, at ease, inspired, grateful,   

abundant, confident, enthusiastic, on purpose,

connected, loving, free, empowered.

The pathway begins when you:

  • Make a choice to take some time every day just for you
  • Begin an inquiry to develop your relationship with your inner wisdom
  • Grow your awareness of what you really need and want and what is keeping you from fulfilment
  • Commit to daily practices which will enable you to connect with your inner support and guidance
  • Find encouragement within a like-minded community that will lift your spirits
  • Practise self-love and deep healing so that you can contain and be empowered by all aspects of your being
  • Develop your skills and transformational muscles so that you can move forward in a sustainable way.


 The Power of Wise Choices 

Find the right kind of support and commit to a plan of action

This group programme held over six weeks will support you to:

  1. Clarify your vision of wholeness and how you can use simple practices to maintain yourself in wholeness, even when your world appears to be falling apart;
  2. Become more aware of the comfort zone you have created and how it is limiting you;
  3. Experiment with new choices that will gently move you out into greater self-love and creative freedom;
  4. Adopt daily practices that will replace the limits of your comfort zone with the inner stability of an inner sanctuary which you can take with you wherever you go.
  5. Move in the direction of your dreams and visions one step at a time with support, encouragement and accountability,
  6. Ease the way forward with guidance and maps of the territory of transition and transformation.


The programme offers:

      Daily short teaching videos during the first three weeks exploring:

        The Call to Wholeness and how your comfort zone holds you back;

        How to Create Your Inner Sanctuary so you can always connect with your source of true support and nourishment;

        How to Transform Your  Comfort Zone Patterns into Inner Resilience through simple daily choices, practices and action steps.

   Conceptual support for the process of transition and transformation,

Using Rose’s book, Whole Mind-Whole World, as a starting place and including: Your Journey  of Discovery, Shifting Ground, Wholeness, Soul Work, Soul, Transition.


Questions for self-inquiry

Support you to explore your own experience and inner world and discover your own authentic truths;


Weekly group discovery sessions with Rose

Where you can explore your process and receive support and guidance.


Simple practices designed to help you to build new habits of self-care

During weeks 4, 5 and 6 you will continue with the support of an accountability buddy, a private facebook group and weekly group meetings with Rose so that you become grounded, connected, aligned with your higher purpose, and moving in your direction of choice.

Your commitment:

This is a transformational process designed to build inner resilience one step at a time over 42 days.

Are you willing to prioritise 30 minutes every day for six weeks to focus on this process?

42 days is long enough to create new success habits that will support you to maintain Whole Mind. This is an opportunity for you to make significant shifts in consciousness and move in your soul inspired life direction.

Are you willing to make a financial commitment of £125 for the six week programme, payable by June 7th? 

I am keeping the course fee as low as I can. This is 50% of the full fee and is a nominal contribution towards my expenses. If you are on a low income and really struggling talk to me and let’s brainstorm how you can make it work for you.

This is a pilot course. Are you willing to give me feedback and write a testimonial?  

I will listen to everything you tell me and will do my best to provide you with the support you need. In return I’d like you to help me to make this the best possible programme it can be by giving me honest feedback. By the end of the six weeks, if not at the beginning, all the content will be beautifully presented on an online platform  so that you will always have it to keep.

The Power of Wise Choices STARTS JUNE 10th


Monday June 3rd at 9am BST (8pm NZ) or Wednesday June 5th at 7pm BST 

Please use the contact form below and say a few words about what attracts you to this course at this time. If you cannot attend the webinar but you are interested in the course please  register your interest and ask any questions here. The webinar is free and open even if you are not interested in the course.

In the webinar I will be covering:

What is your soul calling?

What happens during a transition of consciousness?

How can your comfort zone limit you and cause you pain?

What is the solution?

This will also be an opportunity to ask questions about the course.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Course Fee: £125 only until June 7th