Sitting with Death Videos

Transforming Grief and Loss into Wholeness and Creative Power

With the COVID19 pandemic, all over the world people are facing their mortality and fearing for the loss of their loved ones. For many, our concerns go beyond our individual lives and our families to include the global community and the natural world. When loss comes we can choose to see it as an opportunity and by practicing the skills of grieving well we can not only heal and empower ourselves but also renew our world.This is the first of a series of short videos exploring these ideas and the work I am doing called Sitting with Death and Choosing Life.

How Sitting with Death Can be the Road to a New Culture

Death, grief and loss are natural parts of life so how have most of us lost the skills to grieve well? How have we come to distrust our intense emotions? In this video I explore how cultural conditioning over the years and centuries has resulted in our present day individual and planetary ill-health. This can be a cause for celebration because as we choose to complete our deep healing journeys and learn the skills of grieving well we become more simple and connected with our true wisdom.

How Can We Grieve Well?

In this video I explore what grief is, why it’s important to grieve and how to grieve well. When we do so there are many gifts in grief which make us stronger and more resilient.

Transforming Grief and Loss – Emptiness

This is the fourth video in my series about transforming grief and loss and it’s about EMPTINESS. Like death and grief, emptiness has come to mean something “negative” in our society. But there is a form of emptiness that is fertile and abundant. Often we have to transition through an experience of inner lack before we arrive at this experience of abundance. Our current lockdown is an opportunity to sit with whatever is arising within us, to witness our grief and emptiness and allow these feelings to transform. It’s an opportunity to release alien concepts which don’t reflect who we truly are and to strengthen our connection with the authentic self. Imagine how differently you will walk into the world when you are experiencing inner lack or inner abundance. The experience and perspective of inner abundance is the beginning of a whole new culture on the planet.

How to Use Your Fear as an Opportunity for Healing

9 Stategies for Transforming Your Fear in Times of Crisis

This video explores how we can use fear as an opportunity for healing. I’ve noticed that different aspects of the Coronavirus crisis evoke fear in people and this may cause misunderstanding and intolerance. It’s in the spirit of creating more understanding, tolerance and compassion I have made this video.

For example, for some people the threat to health is the greatest consideration; for others it’s the fear of financial lack or hardship; for another it may be loss of civil liberties that evokes a fear reaction. And so on.

For each source of fear I suggest an antidote or remedy. For example, if you are afraid of financial lack, focus on moderation, simplicity and gratitude. If you are afraid of losing external freedoms focus on inner freedom. And so on….

If you like these videos please join me in the Tribe in Transition Community on Facebook:

Or check out the Introductory Facilitator Training for the Sitting with Death and Choosing Life Conversations.